Saturday, September 26, 2009

I Reel on this Slope of Stones

I reel on this slope of stones,

Lying on the shorn shale.

I see the stark, staring stern,

Wall, of the world’s bones,

And wonder at the gale.

I reel on this stony slope,

Lying on the shorn shale,

I see the stark, staring, stern, wall of the Worlds bone.

I, wait here for human step,

I, wait here alone.

I lie at the side of the sea,

The gulls fly high, looking at me.

I see the foam, white, crash against the shale,

I see a wondrous sight! A ship, for me.

And I knew that God was behind the gale.


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Rob from us our false sight, if in the blinding....we may see

O Come O come Immanuel
and with Your Strong Strength
save us from our pleasure-hells
Strong Deliverer, mighty to save
save us from our 'freedom'-slave-ness
God with us, God in the flesh
take from us our flesh, and make it---
---as in Mary's womb---Your flesh, holy
Lord, clean
As the great Hand that rested on
the beggars eyes
and made him see
See, Lord, see. Heal us, that we may
Rob from us our false sight--
if by Babylonian spears let it be
so, if in the blinding we may see
see with the sight of Barnabas
On a desert road in Jerusalem
My Lord.
Save us from Asherah,from Ba'al
from the pleasure-pits of Gomorrah
from the high places of merriment
and demons.
My Holy, Just, Avenging
Loving God.
Come and obliterate our evil that we
my God, chastened, bleeding, humbled
may see

If in our blindness, bruised bleeding blind
we may find
Your, strong and terrible arms to catch, to hold
there, and to keep
our bleeding souls to rest in that Keep
of Your Soul, our shaking souls to find
strength in the strongness of Your Arms
our Justice-blinded bleeding eyes
to finally---
See, through Your eyes---my God so
bright and terrible, awe-ful and merciful---
this fair, dear, holy, child-filled world.