Saturday, November 22, 2008

Believing in the light, when in the darkness

I usually don't go for modern musics videos. This is a blazing exception

(Although the one line I think I would disagree with in the Barlow Girl's song is "I feel that I'm losing faith, but giving up would cost me everything"
Because Faith doesn't keep you from Losing Everything. Thats what it is, losing everything, for Him.
"Come and Follow me" and the Galilean man turned, walking away from the ships. One by one the fisherman got on their feet, wordlessly looking at one another. The boat was beached, they could hear the water lapping against its sturdy sides. Then first one, than the other, walked away from their ship, their nets, and followed the figure of that Galilean Rabbi, walking towards the hill.
And on the hills of Rome, the old ex fisherman suffocated to death mocked by Roman guards.
"Don't Crucify me right side up, I do not deserve the honor of dying in the exact same way as my Lord" So they crucified him upside down. He followed his Rabbi, his God, to the end.
Follow Me.

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